Mathematics | Curriculum Intent
Inspiration and excellence are at the heart of everything we do. Our main aim is to inspire confidence in our students and stimulate their interest in Mathematics, both within the curriculum and the wider world. We hope that this in turn will spark a love of learning and an improved ability to model and solve problems, applying the Mathematical knowledge gained in lessons to a variety of different circumstances. We believe that this will enable our students, irrespective of background, to flourish and leave BVGS well-equipped for whatever they choose to do in life.
- Record of Progress sheets in exercise books that tell students order of topics and where they can be found in course textbook/on
- Peer mentoring – L6th Mathematics students supporting KS3 students.
- Differentiation within lessons.
- Parental contact.
- Review lesson after every test to ensure all students know what the model solutions should look like.
- Differentiated, individual target work completed by every student following every test.
- Utilise websites to help your development such as:
Online activities and questions:
Books for revision:
- CGP Key Stage 3 Mathematics Foundation Level – complete study and practice (for Year 7)
- CGP Key Stage 3 Mathematics Higher Level – complete study and practice (for Years 8 & 9)
or just for fun!
- Murderous Maths series by Kjartan Poskitt
- Alex’s adventures in numberland by Alex Bellos
- Can you solve my problems? A casebook of ingenious, perplexing and totally satisfying puzzles by Alex Bellos
- So you think You’ve Got Problems? Surprising and rewarding puzzles to sharpen your mind by Alex Bellos
- Record of Progress sheets in exercise books that tell students about the upcoming assessments and the order of topics.
- Peer mentoring – L6th Mathematics students supporting Y11 students.
- Differentiation within lessons.
- Parental contact.
- Review lesson after every test to ensure all students know what the model solutions should look like.
- Differentiated, individual target work completed by every student following every test.
- After school intervention sessions held in the spring term in the run up to summer examinations.
- Utilise websites to help your development such as:
Online activities and questions:
Books for revision:
- CGP GCSE Mathematics Edexcel Revision Guide: Higher
- CGP GCSE Mathematics Edexcel Exam Practice Workbook: Higher
or just for fun!
- Alex’s adventures in numberland by Alex Bellos
- Can you solve my problems? A casebook of ingenious, perplexing and totally satisfying puzzles by Alex Bellos
- So you think You’ve Got Problems? Surprising and rewarding puzzles to sharpen your mind by Alex Bellos
- The Simpsons and their mathematical secrets by Simon Singh
- Record of Progress sheets in exercise books that tell students approximate date of tests and topics to be assessed.
- Differentiation within lessons.
- Parental contact.
- Review lesson after every test to ensure all students know what the model solutions should look like.
- Differentiated, individual target work completed by every student following every test.
- After school intervention sessions held in the spring term in the run up to summer examinations.
- Utilise websites to help your development such as:
Books for revision:
- CGP A Level Maths Edexcel Complete Revision and Practice
- CGP A Level Maths Edexcel Exam Practice Workbook
- CGP AS & A Level Further Maths for Edexcel: Complete Revision and Practice.
- UK Junior Maths Challenge
- UK Junior Maths Team Challenge
- House Maths Competition
- UK Intermediate Maths Challenge
- UK Intermediate Team Maths Challenge
- Year 10 Big Maths Quiz
- UK Senior Maths Challenge
- UK Senior Team Maths Challenge
- Maths Inspiration Lectures