Why Support BVGS
Inspiration and Excellence Booklet
In sending your child to Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School, you have enabled them to attend a Top 50 state school, which strives for and achieves academic excellence. In 2018, 73% of our boys achieved top grades (7-9s) at GCSE with an excellent progress score of +0.7 . Typically, 82% of our ‘A’ Level students obtain A*-B. Stunning academic results is not, however, our only strength here at Vesey.
We pride ourselves on delivering ‘The Vesey Experience’. This carries a different meaning to each student. For Xhosa Cole (OV 2013-2015) it meant being able to take part in a stunning array of music events here at school, and nurture his talent for jazz, alongside achieving outstanding ‘A’ Level results. He was the BBC’s Young Jazz Musician of the Year 2018. For Hamish Carter, who won Gold in the team all-around and Silver on the floor at the 2015 European Youth Summer Olympic Festival, it meant having a supportive learning environment, so he knew that every moment spent away from training was worthwhile in helping him achieve the best grades possible.
For a multitude of other students who pursue their individual talents, the Vesey Experience allows them to find and hone these. Our L6th Interns have the opportunity to meet and network with influential business people before they have left school, making interviews and networking part of their plethora of skills. Future Medics have the chance to meet current practicing doctors and medical students at MEDSOC. Budding netballers who join us in L6th have the chance to play on new netball courts.
However, the funding landscape in which we operate has changed. Like many schools we are facing a reduction in our funding and this presents for us a challenge. As a school, we are working hard to ensure that the Vesey Experience – the thing that makes this school so special to our pupils – is not threatened. But to do this, we need your help.
We have already experienced the power that the generosity of our parents, Governors and friends joining together can achieve. Without your help, we would not have raised £3.1 million for the Growing Vesey, Growing Minds twelve classroom STEM Block complete with robotics suite. This has enabled us to provide Computer Science as an ‘A’ Level option, further diversifying the Vesey Experience.
The Vesey Experience makes a tangible difference. Please help us maintain it through a standing order to the Vesey Foundation Inspiration and Excellence Fund for just £20 or £30 per month. Please note that Gift Aid will add a further 25p in the pound to your donation.
Do please complete the Inspiration and Excellence Fund form below and return it marked Inspiration and Excellence Fund, which will guarantee appropriate levels of confidentiality and which will receive my personal attention. With your contribution to the fund, we can ensure the Vesey Experience continues to grow and develop, and support your child in finding their individual interests and talents. Thank you.
Dominic Robson,
Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School